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Monday, March 12, 2018

How to remove popup ads from android||100% Free Trick||

How to remove popup ads from android||100% Free Trick||

Hi guy, today I going to tell you about how to block/remove popup ads from android mobile.Yes, you have seen many times when your data remains on or you turn your data on than there are many types of ads pop up on your screen due to which often android phone starts hanging.With the help of this trick, you have to remove annoying popup ads from your android phone without the help of any external tool or application.
How to remove popup ads from android||100% Free Trick||

How to remove popup ads from android||100% Free Trick||

You have to follow the steps given below very carefully so you can understand this trick easily. 

.Follow the give steps.


In the first step go to setting of the phone and after going to setting then scroll the page down then go to ACCOUNT SETTING and click on the PERSONAL INFO SETTING if you don't get PERSONAL INFO SETTING.

So you go to setting and after that scroll down and click on the GOOGLE.It is different in some smartphones.If you find PERSONAL INFO SETTING  then click on it.
setting images

after clicking on google go to PERSONAL INFO AND PRIVACY


In the second step, after going to PERSONAL INFO SETTING then scroll down the page and go to ADS SETTING and click on it so you redirected to the GOOGLE ADS SETTING.

after redirected to the next page then off ADS PERSONALIZATION and a page popup than you scroll down the page and click to OPT OUT OF MORE ADS.

block popups

After clicking on the OPT OUT OF MORE ADS and the page starts loading its depend on the connection of internet.Then you redirected to the page given below and click on the continue

continue page
click on the continue to block popups

then you landing on another page and after scrolling down the page and click on the OPT OUT OF ALL than all your ads closed successfully.But some ads will not be closed so you have to try once again to close the remaining ads

Thanks for giving your precious time to read this post.If this trick seems to be informative even a little then please share this with others.

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